AI and Business Analytics Training for Women

Free 3-day training Leading with Confidence in the AI World for Ukrainian women from SET University and UC Berkeley Fisher Center for Business Analytics by the University of California, Berkeley

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AI and Business Analytics Training for Women

Program Start: August, 30
Duration: 3 days
Application Deadline: August, 18
Language: Eng
Format: Offline, in Kyiv
Price: Free, based on the selection of applications
Registration is closed


“Leading with Confidence in the AI World – Empowering Women with Business Analytics and Machine Learning” was developed specifically for Ukrainian women. The training is provided by the UC Berkeley Fisher Center for Business Analytics by the University of California, Berkeley, as a part of the long-termed partnership with SET University. 

This training is a part of the Berkeley Alliance for Inclusive AI program. It is developed to upgrade the participants’ professional skills with generative AI and machine learning in business analytics. Training will take place offline in Kyiv in the Unit.City and will help participants learn how to manage any data with lightning speed while riding the AI wave instead of avoiding it.

Participants will get UC Berkeley Extension Certificate, funded by the Fisher Center for Business Analytics.


Female citizens of Ukraine who became internally displaced

Female representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and National Guard of Ukraine

Women leading impact-driven projects within economic and charity spheres


Module 1. Understanding the imperative for fast accurate lean and ethical analytics

Module 2. Understanding the concept of fluid/FAIR data

Module 3. Understanding how technology will support your process efficiency, accuracy and transparency

Module 4. How to stretch your data to make it cleaner, reacher and harmonized

Module 5. Stepping to AI

Module 6. How to manage the people's change during the transformative evolutions

Module 7. How to design lean sustainable processes that will assemble data systems and people



Within application you will need to write down a short explanation why you should attend the current course.

English language proficiency – B2

Laptop for doing practical assignments

To be present offline during all 3 days of training

Experience working with Excel and/or Google Sheets


Gauthier Vasseur

Data analytics, AI, and digital transformation expert. Executive Director at Berkeley Fisher Center; CEO and Founder – Data Wise Academy; Founder and Co-President – Alliance for Inclusive AI.


His leadership experience includes both large tech-enterprises (Google, Oracle, Hyperion) and startups, Series A, and Pre-IPO companies (Semarchy, Trufa, TriNet).


Nowadays, Gauthier teaches at Berkeley and Stanford and is also adjunct lecturer at SET University, Kyiv.


Gauthier is also the author of the book “Devenez un Data Pionnier,” a must-read book for those who learn analytics.


Next-Generation tech university in Ukraine

SET University provides a world-class higher education in IT for Ukrainian students all over the world. The university combines a modern academic approach and strong expertise in technology to create an intellectual and educational hub focusing on entrepreneurial culture, research, and a professional community.

One of the world's best universities

University of California, Berkeley tops the list of the world’s best public universities and remains the fourth-best university worldwide, according to the U.S. News & World Report’s 2023 global universities rankings. Established in 1868, UC Berkeley has produced an impressive lineup of scholars, including 99 Nobel laureates, 23 Turing Award winners, and 14 Pulitzer Prize winners among its esteemed alumni, faculty, and researchers.


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