WE.Brave bootcamp

Two-week free intensive training and personal mentorship sessions for the development of startups, among whose founders are women, or where 70% of the core team consists of women. The bootcamp is implemented with the support of the USAID Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine.

WE.Brave bootcamp

Program Start: March 11
Duration: 2 weeks
Application Deadline: Application closed
Language: UA/ENG
Format: Online
Price: Free, based on the selection


The WE.Brave bootcamp is a free program consisting of intensive training and mentoring sessions with IT experts from the Ukrainian and global markets.

Our bootcamp goal is to support startups among whose founders are women, or where 70% of the core team consists of women on their way to building successful IT products. We are going to provide participants with  the necessary expertise and international networking for the successful development of their businesses.

The three best-participating projects will be rewarded with an extra budget of $6500 for consulting and mentoring for further business development.

The program will cover these topics

MVP development
Market analysis and target audience identification
Product validation
Developing a business strategy
Financial planning
Branding fundamentals
Digital marketing strategy
Sales strategy
Sales strategy
Fundraising and pitching
Communication with investors
Operations management

Application requirements

To have a startup/tech project at least at the development stage. An MVP and/or experience in obtaining investments/grants will be an advantage.

The founder and/or co-founder of the project must be a woman. Also, products founded by men can participate in the bootcamp, if 70% of the core team is female.

At least two members of the project need to be ready to dedicate two weeks to intensive learning.

English language level: Upper-Intermediate or higher

You should have an intention to develop your startup after graduation: investments attraction employee creation, and monetization

Bootcamp stages

February 5-29

Applications submitting

February 26 - March 9

Participants selection

March 11 - 22



1-to-1 mentoring sessions for 3 winning projects

April - September

Post-communication with participants and winners


Konstantyn Soloviov

Communications expert, owner of a marketing agency and mentor at a startup accelerator. Konstantin helps his clients successfully go through growth challenges and marketing transformations. He is also an adjunct professor at SET University on course “Developing enterprenurship mindset”.

Max Moneta

Founder of Startupers, venture partner at the Founder Institute accelerator. Max’s previous experience includes being a part of the Nokia management team and over 7 years of entrepreneurship in Scandinavian and European technological ecosystems. Max is also a member of UVCA, a lecturer, and a mentor.


I am a female co-founder of a technological product. Can my project participate in the boot camp if other co-founders are male?

Yes, your project can participate in the boot camp because one of the target audiences for the project includes female co-founders of technological products.

I am a male founder of a technological product, but 70% of our core team are women. Can I participate in the bootcamp?

Yes, you can participate in the bootcamp because one of the target audiences for the project includes male founders of technological products, provided that 70% of their core team are women.

I am a female founder of a technological product. Can my project participate in the boot camp if women do not make up 70% of our core team?

Yes, you can participate in the boot camp because one of the target audiences for the project includes women who have founded their own technological product.

Can I participate in the program if I don't have a startup?

Unfortunately, you can’t. This program requires participants to have a product/startup/technological solution at least at the development stage. However, we advise you to follow us, as we periodically have opportunities for those who don’t have their own product/startup but want to.

Will you invest in my project?

No, we do not invest in businesses. The main value of this program is to gain new knowledge, skills, and networks for the successful development of your product. Also, under WE.brave, the 3 best projects will be rewarded with an extra budget for consulting and mentoring, which is necessary for further business development.

Does filling out the application guarantee that I will be accepted into the program?

No, it doesn’t. We’ll select a limited number of participants and startups from all applications. However, the minimum number of participants from one startup/project is two, so if your project is selected for the program, it guarantees participation for both you and your colleagues.

What are the selection criteria?

Projects must meet the conditions mentioned above, and the application form must be filled out following the requirements specified therein. The organizers will also pay attention to the following factors during the selection process:
– Diversity of skills and experience in the project team.
– Business and financial model viability
– The stage of product readiness for launch
– The potential for product development in the international market
– The potential for attracting financing
– The potential for growth and impact.

What is the workload within the bootcamp?

The intensity of the program means that participants have to devote about 6 hours per day, except for weekends, to complete the bootcamp.

When will I know if my project has been selected?

During March 4-8, we will contact all applicants about participation in the project and inform them whether their application is selected for participation. We may also ask to conduct additional interviews.

If I can't connect online to one of the lectures, will I still be able to watch the recording?

All training materials within the program will be recorded, so you will have an opportunity to watch the lectures both during the program and later. However, we highly recommend participants join the live sessions. The participants` activity will also influence the decision on who will receive an additional budget for business development consulting.

What is the minimum number of program participants from one project/startup?

The minimum number of participants from one project/startup is two. However, if more people from your team want to join, they could. We don’t limit the number of team members participating in the bootcamp.

The organizers

SET University

SET University provides a world-class higher education in IT for Ukrainian students all over the world. The university combines a modern academic approach and strong expertise in technology to create an intellectual and educational hub focusing on entrepreneurial culture, research, and a well-connected community.

USAID Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine

USAID Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine supports Ukrainian businesses to improve their competitiveness in both local and international markets, helps to develop a simplified and transparent business climate, and provides Ukrainian companies with opportunities to take advantage of international trade.
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