Generation H: Demo Day
The final offline event of the Generation H initiative for everyone interested in the development of the HealthTech industry
Generation H: Demo Day
About Generation H: Demo Day
Generation H is a large-scale HealthTech initiative by SET University in partnership with the Tokarev Foundation, where we have united startups, scientists, and the public sector for the global development of the industry. Our goal was not just to find innovations but to create a platform for the long-term development of promising projects in the HealthTech niche.
The Generation H initiative consists of two stages, which could be taken step by step or joined separately: Ideathon and Bootcamp. It all started with a five-day Ideathon, where participants had the opportunity to create innovative ideas from scratch. The next stage was a two-week Bootcamp, where startups improved their projects, received mentorship from experts, and prepared for the final presentation to investors at Demo Day, having a chance to win a grant of $5,000.
This 4-week tech journey is coming to an end—we are ready to meet at Demo Day to summarize this year, identify the winners, and network. We look forward to sharing this together offline.
What Awaits You

Important Information: The event is for confirmed participants only. The organizers reserve the right to deny entry or ask participants to leave the event at any time without explanation.
Who We Are Waiting For

Experts in healthcare, researchers, and medical professionals

Entrepreneurs and founders of HealthTech startups


Tech community and anyone interested in HealthTech

Event Program
Guest Registration
Welcome Address by SET Representatives, Government Officials, and Tokarev Foundation
Keynote Speech of Pavel Benes, co-founder of Photothera Labs, Managing Partner ELON Technologies
Panel Discussion. HealthTech revolution: from innovation to global market impact
Event Introduction, Jury Presentation, Team Pitches (Cohort 1)
Team Pitches (Cohort 2)
Keynote Speech: Ema Popova, Healthcare Industry Advisor EMEA Team, Microsoft
Results Announcement

Can I join the event if I am not a participant of the Generation H Ideathon or Bootcamp?
Yes, of course—we are expecting everyone interested in the development of the HealthTech industry at this event. If you are not a participant, you can at least network with investors, industry representatives, and teams of innovative startups.
Can I join as a media representative?
Yes, but we have a special invitation form for you.