Science-to-Market Accelerator

The acceleration program, featuring an intensive 20-week course for scientists, is aimed at the development and commercialization of English-language, research-intensive projects. It includes a series of lectures, workshops, consultations, and the opportunity to pitch your projects on the final Demo Day.

Science-to-Market Accelerator

Program Start: February 26
Duration: 2 weeks
Application Deadline: Application closed
Program Language: Ukrainian / English
Demo Day: July 19
Price: Free access based on pre-selection of applications


The Ukrainian Startup Fund together with SET University and Berkeley Haas Entrepreneurship, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and EIT Community RIS Hub Ukraine, announces open call for the acceleration program “Science-to-Market Accelerator”.

Participants in the program will have the opportunity to develop their scientific projects into innovative products, receive mentorship from leading international experts, and establish contacts with potential investors and partners for the further development of innovative projects.

Target Audience

Students and PhD candidates with deep tech projects

Scientists and researchers

Corporate companies



In association with

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Ministry of Digital Transformation idea is to make Ukraine the most convenient country in the world. Ministry is responsible for the development and implementation of state policy in the field of digitalization. We have launched the Diia mobile application with digital documents and services.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine’s goal is to build a sustainable system where everyone has equal opportunities for developing their talent throughout life.

MES creates and implements state policy to increase the nation’s education, develop science and technology, and ensure the EU standards and practices are being implemented in education in Ukraine.

EIT Community RIS Hub Ukraine

The new regional hub, located in Kyiv, Ukraine, will connect regional actors, innovators, and partners to Europe’s largest innovation ecosystem and serve as a one-stop shop for local stakeholders to access the EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs). It will bridge the Ukrainian and European Union’s innovation network and boost ideas and businesses emerging from Ukraine. The new Hub is part of the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS) programme designed to tackle Europe’s regional innovation divide.

Other Programs

2 weeks Free, based on the selection

WE.Brave bootcamp

March 11
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