SET University Innovation Director becomes a mentor for women entrepreneurship program

26 / 12 / 23
Jane Klepa, Director of Partnerships and Innovation at SET University, joined the program for women entrepreneurs "Pochatok" by Diia. Business.

At the end of November, Diia.Business launched the Startup project, an all-Ukrainian educational and grant program for the development of women’s entrepreneurship. Our Director of Innovation and Partnerships Jane Klepa became one of the project’s mentors.

Throughout the program, participants will learn how to develop business models, manage finances, relocate their business, and at the end of the program, they will pitch their own projects.

As part of the program, Jane will cover the topics of business management and project pitching, as she has a strong background in working with startups at 1991 Accelerator, Ukrainian Startup Fund, and Wtech. We believe that her experience will help participants successfully launch their own businesses.

About the program

“Pochatok” is an educational and grant program for the development of women’s entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Project participants will receive educational, financial, mentoring, and mental support to develop or start their own business. The 2 best projects will receive up to 185,000 UAH.


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