Partnership with Sigma Software and IdeaSoft

12 / 10 / 22
SET University expands its partnership network and signs cooperation memorandums with Sigma Software and IdeaSoft.

At the end of September 2022, SET University signed a memorandum of cooperation with Sigma Software University and IdeaSoft. At the heart of the partnership agreement is the idea of ​​combining practical experience from company specialists and the fundamental academic approach of SET University. The companies are preparing to launch two educational formats — Micromaster’s programs and classic workshops focused on practical skills and competencies.

"The Micromaster's program is a new format of education built on the principles of business schools. A similar approach has already proven itself in global practice, and we believe in the success of transferring this experience. Currently, digital security and protection of confidential information are among the most priority directions, so we expect interest and involvement from the side of talented students, sweaters, and IT specialists,"
adds the president of SET University, Iryna Volnytska.

The first stage of the partnership will be joint workshops on cyber security and blockchain with the participation of speakers from Sigma Software University and IdeaSoft. Events will focus on practical competencies and skills, including user authentication vulnerability issues (XSS and SQL injection), security solution screening, attack modeling, and Burp Suite. The programs are suitable for beginners and junior specialists.

"SET University is a progressive university that strives to create an alternative higher education that will meet the current demands of the market and business. Our company has strong expertise in cyber security, and specialists are ready to participate in the development and validation of the educational program. We do not rule out the possibility of joining as teachers or mentors of the program,"
comments Olga Osredchuk, head of educational programs at Sigma Software University, on the partnership initiative.
"The development of the web3 paradigm and the emergence of an increasing number of decentralized products are creating a demand for blockchain specialists, so the study of blockchain technologies is becoming more and more relevant every year. The decision to partner with SET University was made possible by shared values ​​and vision. We believe in progressive practical education that considers the current demands of companies and comprehensively develops a specialist. According to the partnership, we also see the launch of joint educational programs for the emergence of new and development of existing web3 specialists,"
says Anna Datsenko, COO of IdeaSoft.

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