SET becomes a partner of Erasmus+

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We joined the Erasmus+ initiative EnCycLEd dedicated increasing of cybersecurity awareness


EnCycLEd is a three-year project from Erasmus+ that aims to promote digital readiness of students, teachers, and educators in the field of cybersecurity.

Key objectives of the project

— raising awareness of teachers and students on potential cyber threats, cyber risks and cyber defense capabilities in the European information space;

— supporting the integration of cybersecurity into basic education;

— developing a secure online environment for the exchange of information, experience and resources;

— supporting the development of core skills, including digital competencies;

— forming a network to raise awareness of cybersecurity (…) at the European and international levels.

Additionally, the project will help Ukraine further integrate into the European educational environment and contribute to achieving a sustainable level of digital readiness in cybersecurity, which is especially relevant in times of war.

"Participation in Erasmus+ Encycled is about SET University's commitment to the development and reinforcement of cybersecurity not only in Ukraine but also in Europe.

We have a unique opportunity to share relevant experience in building resilient information systems and fighting cyber warfare. Such scenarios and system reactions simply can't be modeled or calculated in advance. And, given all the challenges, we may and must change outdated ideas about cybersecurity and popularize this area right now."
— Iryna Volnytska, President at SET University.

Work Packages / Project flow

— Project Management – evaluation and monitoring based on predefined milestones and performance indicators.

— Development of Educational Content on Cybersecurity – analysis and development of educational content on cybersecurity.

— EnCycLEd Platform – creation of a secure online platform for combining and sharing educational resources on cybersecurity.

— Piloting and Assessment – work with educational programs on cybersecurity.

— Dissemination – reporting and distribution of project results.

More about the project here

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